Technology Trend Series, Part 1: Cost Avoidance & Reducing Workloads

BI Technology Trend Series

In September 2021, we published a summary of the Corrections Tech 2020: Technological Trends in Custodial and Community Corrections white paper by the Integrated Justice Information Systems (IJIS). This Technology Trends Series will highlight notable trends, summarize key points, and outline the implications for the community corrections industry.

Part 1 of the series looks at Trend 2: Cost Avoidance & Reducing Workloads. Two problems most agencies face are exhausted correctional funds and unmanageable officer caseloads. “Corrections is doubly hit because the same actions that reduce cost (keeping people out of jail) make the business more complex (figuring who, how, and when to keep people out of jail). Technology is vital to both sides of this equation, making all the parts work together in the most cost-effective way. The business challenges are fostering innovation in agencies large and small, and technology is contributing to the rapid spread of new and effective techniques nationwide.”1

Key Takeaways

  • Technology from Other Markets in the Hands of Officers: Agencies are encouraged to explore new tools and techniques allowing officers to streamline communication, enhance case management, and facilitate access to real-time information while officers are in the field. Examples of this include the ability for officers to upload data into Google Maps to plan fieldwork, minimize travel, and save time.
  • Video Technology: The use of video conferencing is expected to become the routine way probationers and parolees communicate with courts, agencies, and officers. Video technology saves time and money by reducing the number of in-person hearings and appointments.
  • Revenue Opportunities: More cloud-based options for the “back office”, including human resources, finance and accounting, and cross-department messaging will help reduce the cost of IT infrastructure support. Products and services at cost to clients including personal devices and mobile applications, will increase revenue for agencies.
  • Collaboration Across the Criminal Justice System: There is an increase in agencies using secure, cloud-based software to share real-time information across courts, legal professionals, and other public safety agencies. Transparent cross-collaboration helps reduce cost and increase efficiency across the board.

BI Approach to Innovation

As the industry continues to evolve, it’s important that agencies understand how community corrections electronic monitoring technology can be implemented to meet current supervision demands and future needs. BI Incorporated continues to lead community corrections in an era of rapid technological innovation with our continuum of future-ready products and services. Our solutions are configurable to meet the needs of agencies of all sizes. Learn More about our mobile and software solutions and stay tuned for Part 2 of our series on increased mobility.


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